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American Turkish Friendship Council
Social and Economic Development

Center for the Visually Impaired
CVI (Center for the Visually Impaired) is a Non-profit organization in Atlanta, Georgia. The mission of the Center for the Visually Impaired is to empower people impacted by vision loss to live with independence and dignity. Every person with vision loss should be able to live with independence and dignity. This single goal guides the activities of the Center for the Visually Impaired.
​All donations made towards this campaign will be used to support the education system for kids at age of 6-12 with visual impairments. It is our goal to ensure that they get to pursue quality education by enabling a financial status where they can be provided with the right tools and staff.

ÇATOM (Multipurpose Community Centers) Scholarship Program
In 1995, the Southeastern Anatolian Project (GAP) Administration, in cooperation with UNICEF, established ÇATOMs to enhance the status of women and the young population in areas of Turkey’s Southeastern Anatolia region.

Payda’s purpose is to increase the interaction between these communities and achieve a more modern level in society with projects that will have lasting impacts in the long term by bringing together different skill sets of organizations with an embracing approach.